Washington-Marion has a long and important history that makes it a special place in Lake Charles, LA. We hope to build on that strong tradition to help our students succeed and become prosperous adults in today’s rapidly changing society. Our academic program is built around the needs of our students. Based on state test scores and other school assessments, students will be provided the instruction that will help them to succeed. This may involve more instructional time, after school tutoring, mentoring, academic clubs, and academic challenges. Our goal is to build an academic program that is both rigorous and motivating. We realize that we cannot be successful unless we provide a safe and positive learning environment for our students. It is important that parents and students feel good about their school.
We solicit the help of our parents. Our commitment is to keep you well-informed about our school and about your child. We need you to help us enforce dress code, get students to school on time every day, and help us create solutions so that our students get the best education. Parents and guardians are the foundation of a great school. Thank you so much for being a part of our school family. Remember, you can call on us at any time with questions, concerns, or suggestions.